Submits Your Ad Automatically to the Business Opportunity Section of
Free Classified Ad Posting Software
TheFreeAdForum Free Submitter Submits Your ads to 50+ Random Cities on
TheFreeAdForum Free Submitter is freeware which will submit your ad to 50 random cities on in the Jobs/Business Opportunity is ranked in the top 40,000 websites in the world and gets thousands of visitors each month.
Here are some of the features of TheFreeAdForumFreeSubmitter:
- Use spintax to rotate unlimited titles
- Use spintax to rotate unlimited descriptions
- Ability to use either html or text in your ad descriptions.
- Add Your YouTube videos to your ads.
- Add a custom picture to your ads.
- Include custom keywords in your ads.
- Add your website as a clickable call to action link in your ad.
- Easy to use set and forget software. Automatic submissions.
- No need for captcha services for submissions except just one time at log in.
Download The Free Ad Forum Free Submitter for Free By Joining Our Newsletter Below!
- No need for captcha services except once on log in.
- Requires you set up a free account at
- Submits your ads to 50 random cities on in the Jobs/Business Opportunity section.
- In addition get instant access to $597. of Pro Marketing Software for Free
Download TheFreeAdForum Free Submitter for free by joining our newsletter below. You will also get access to $597. of Pro Marketing Software for free as well. Just confirm your email and you will be sent the download link. You can learn about our pro version which has more features here. You will need Windows 7 or later to run this software. However, if you have a MAC or other computer you can learn how to run all our software 24/7 from any computer here.

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